LOCATION: The center of the neck at the level of the throat
ASSOCIATED COLOR: Turquoise/Aquamarine
SYMBOL: Blue lotus with 16 petals
ELEMENT: Ether/Space
The Throat chakra is the 5th chakra of the body. It is all about the expression of yourself and your personal, highest truth. Another function of the throat chakra is to connect you to spirit. The biggest challenge affecting the throat chakra is expressing yourself in the most truthful manner. Opening the throat chakra can greatly help align your vision with reality and release pressure that may affect the heart chakra that is located just below. The throat chakra is associated with the etheric body, which is said to hold the blueprint or perfect template of the other dimensions of the body. A blocked throat chakra can contribute to feelings of insecurity, timidity, and introversion. On the other end of the spectrum, an overactive throat chakra may also lead to gossiping, nonstop talking, and being verbally aggressive or mean.
An imbalance is the Throat is related to:
Speaking too much or inappropriately
Not being able to listen to others
Excessive fear of speaking
Small, imperceptible voice
Not being able to keep secrets or to keep your word
Telling lies
Excessive secretiveness or shyness
Frequent sore throats/infections
Dizziness and fatigue
Thyroid problems
Neck and shoulder pain
Mouth ulcers
Dental issues
Tips to begin balancing your Throat Chakra:
Drink more water
Eat more fruit, such as blueberries, apples, peaches, lemons, and limes
Be intentional about being honest and open when talking to friends and family
Look in mirror when speaking affirmations and watch the movement in your lips
Identifying what is preventing you from speaking openly
Yoga-Fish pose